Books by Salvatore Pecoraro

A Journey on the Edge: Volumes 1 and 2
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News/Press (Selected), July 19, 2013
A Journey with an Edge: The Triton Museum of Art Presents Salvatore Pecoraro
Press Release, July 2013
The Triton Museum of Art Presents Salvatore Pecoraro
Press Release, July 2013
Salvatore Pecoraro’s Entire 365 Skies 1970 Series Exhibited for First Time in Over 30 Years
San Jose Mercury News/Oakland Tribune/Contra Costa Times, September 8, 2012
A Sculpture for the Ages
San Jose Mercury News, June 14, 1990
Pecoraro Sculpture Stays Earthbound, by Dorthy Burkhart, pg. G6
San Francisco Chronicle, June 2, 1990
Structural Shapes within a Frame, by Kenneth Baker, pg. C6
Sculpture Magazine, January/February 1989
Commission Section, pg. 80
San Jose Mercury News, February 1988
Cupertino’s Artistic Touch, by Bernard Bauer
Alexandria Daily Town Talk, June 25, 1982
Plexiglas Art Places Emphasis on Environment, by Donna Brown
Chicago Sun Times, May 21, 1982
Pecoraro Knows the Possibilities, by Harold Haydon
Grey City Journal, May 21, 1982
Art Watch - Review of Klein Gallery, by Ari Kambouris
San Jose Mercury News, 1982
Tilted Clutter of Plexiglas and Styrene Allows the Viewer's Eye No Resting Place, by Dorothy Burkhart
San Jose Mercury News, April 24, 1980
Constructivism with a Touch of the Poetic, by Dorothy Burkhart
German radio interview, Hamburg, Germany, 1980
Portrait From Solei
Los Angeles Times, October 1979
Art Walk - Review of Anhalt-Barnes Gallery, by William Wilson
Artweek, February 24, 1979
Prismatic Investigations, by Erin Goodwin
Palo Alto Times, June 9, 1978
Pecoraro Wall Pieces Integrate Art, Science, by Joanne Dickenson
Palo Alto Times, May 26, 1978
Pecoraro Exhibit Uses Light, Plexiglas
Los Angeles Times, October 21, 1977
Art Walk - Review of Jacqueline Anhalt Gallery, by Nancy Marmer
Peninsula Magazine, April 1977
Pecoraro: A Peninsula Artist Thriving on Conflict, by Gwenda Klein, p. 41
Art News, Vol. 75, No. 1, January 1976
Otis Art Institute, by Elizabeth Perimutter, p. 68
San Francisco Chronicle, October 23, 1975
More Space for the Showing, by Alfred Frankenstein
Los Angeles Times, November 23, 1975
Aurora of Knowns and Unknowns, by Henry J. Seldis
Currant, Vol. 1, No. 4, October/November 1975
Interview by Joan Marlow, p. 34
The Aspen Times, August 14, 1975
Pecoraro’s 365 Skies Will Stagger the Mind, by Paula Childs
Los Angeles Times, October 10, 1975
Esther Robles Gallery, review by Henry J. Seldis
San Jose Mercury News, March 4, 1973
Clouds, by Mary Gottschalk
Los Angeles Times, May 25, 1973
Art Walk - Review of Esther Robles Gallery, by William Wilson
Los Angeles Times, September 1973
Precisionists at Occidental, by William Wilson
San Francisco Chronicle, February 24, 1972
New Realism Exhibit, by Alfred Frankenstein
Minneapolis Tribune, May 14, 1972
Speaking of Art, by Mike Steele
Oakland Tribune, January 1971
Institute Marks Centennial, by Miriam Dungan Cross
Artforum, Vol. IX, No. 5, January 1971
John Bolles Gallery, review by Knute Stiles, p. 85
Artweek, April 3, 1971
365 Skies, La Jolla Museum
San Francisco Chronicle, November 1971
Where To Find the Sky - William Sawyer Gallery, by Thomas Albright
San Francisco Progress, November 3, 1971
William Sawyer Gallery: Bright Skies, Poetic Images, by Prudence Juris
Contra Costa Times, April 19, 1970
Pecoraro Reflects New Lyricism, by Esther Bailes
Chicago Sunday Tribune, October 30, 1949
No Soap Mars These Windows at Halloween